
[ESC2010]Sanjit Jolly ESC 2010 Interview

作者:国际循环网   日期:2010/10/13 11:49:38


《国际循环》:OASIS 5研究在STE-ACS患者中将磺达肝癸钠与依诺肝素进行了比较,OASIS 6研究则在STEMI患者中对比了磺达肝癸钠和UFH。这些研究均证实了磺达肝癸钠的安全性和有效性。OASIS-8研究在非STE-ACS高危患者PCI期间比较了磺达肝癸钠和UFH。从这些试验的结果以及您个人的经验来看,对ACS患者最佳抗凝策略您有何理解?

    <International Circulation>: The OASIS 5 study compared fondaparinux with enoxaparin in patients with STE-ACS and the OASIS 6 study compared fondaparinux with UFH in patients with STEMI. Both of those studies confirmed the safety and efficacy of fondaparinux. The OASIS 8 study compared fondaparinux with UHF during PCI in high risk patients with non-STE-ACS. From the results of these trials and your own experience, what is your understanding of the best anticoagulant strategy for patients presenting with ACS?

 《国际循环》:OASIS 5研究在STE-ACS患者中将磺达肝癸钠与依诺肝素进行了比较,OASIS 6研究则在STEMI患者中对比了磺达肝癸钠和UFH。这些研究均证实了磺达肝癸钠的安全性和有效性。OASIS-8研究在非STE-ACS高危患者PCI期间比较了磺达肝癸钠和UFH。从这些试验的结果以及您个人的经验来看,对ACS患者最佳抗凝策略您有何理解?

    Prof. Jolly: Fondaparinux is an attractive option that is recommended by the guidelines and it is in fact a safe option. Now you have clear recommendations how to treat these patients in the cath lab. You can have a seamless strategy with therapy in the emergency room, to the cath lab, and home. If I were a patient, I would think this were an attractive option.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡

Sanjit Jolly STE-ACS OASIS 5研究 磺达肝癸钠依诺肝素

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