

作者:国际循环网   日期:2011/5/27 16:46:12



    Q: Why has Glucobay been approved for the use in prediabetes?

    Q: 拜唐苹为何被批准用于糖尿病前期的治疗?

    A: Glucobay  is approved for prediabetes in 27 markets, among them China where it is indicated for prediabetes since 2002. Glucobay  is supported by a significant amount of safety and efficacy data in many studies, including the Study to Prevent Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (STOP-NIDDM). In STOP-NIDDM, published in 2002, it was demonstrated that Glucobay?? reduced the risk of progression from prediabetes to type 2 diabetes significantly by 36 percent and decreased the occurrence of cardiovascular events such as myocardial infarction by 49 percent. Acarbose has been shown to be an effective therapy with an excellent safety profile at all stages of the hyperglycaemic disease continuum and it is therefore recommended by major guidelines for the treatment of prediabetes and diabetes.

    A: 目前,拜唐苹已经在全球27个国家被批准用于糖尿病前期的治疗,其中中国于2002年获批。拜唐苹的安全性和有效性已经在许多研究中得到验证,包括2型糖尿病预防(STOP-NIDDM)研究。STOP-NIDDM研究结果发表于2002年,该研究结果显示拜唐苹使糖尿病前期进展为2型糖尿病的风险下降36%,使任何心血管事件(如心肌梗死)的发生风险减少49%。总之,在安全剂量下,阿卡波糖已被证实可以有效治疗各阶段的糖代谢异常,因此全球权威性指南均推荐阿卡波糖用于糖尿病前期和糖尿病的治疗。

版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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