

作者:  G.Heusch   日期:2012/12/7 14:25:39



  International Circulation: Is this happening through angiogenesis?
  Heusch: Yes.  Basically collateral growth around a stenotic lesion is a process of angiogenesis.  Some people are more specific about it, they call it arteriogenesis because it not capillary growth but it is arterial vessel growth.
  International Circulation: Are people targeting this and are there ways to stimulate this arterial genesis?
  Heusch: Yes. VEGF has been used.  Actually there have been clinical trials, unfortunately they failed and for two reasons.  One is that VEGF is mostly promoting capillaries and they are of no use.
  International Circulation: So it is a totally different kinds of muscle tissue?
  Heusch: Exactly, and this is why the terminology has something to do with it, as we need arteriogenesis.  We want the growth of larger conduit vessels, rather than small microvessels.  That was one failure, and the other thing of serious concern is that VEGF will not only have vascular growth in that myocardium but, if there is a spill over, also may cause vascular growth in cancers.  Attenuating vascular growth is the main treatment target for all anticancer therapies, so you are just in a yin and yang situation here.  Therefore angiogenesis, is a very dangerous target: potentially very effective but also very dangerous.
  International Circulation: Do a lot of your patients with cardiovascular problems also have cancer?
  Heusch: It is the population, it is just because they are old and the longer they survive the treatments for cardiovascular disease the more they develop cancer.  They all eventually die, you have to die from something.

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